Writing Practice: Short Poems

My favorite page and line of the book.

As a part of my “End of the School Year” resolution, I have decided to start working on writing as a daily practice. I started reading Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg and I love it. If you’re looking for a book to read on creative writing, try this one. It is fabulous.

In the book, Goldberg gives a sort of prompt for practicing writing poems:

Try this: write a series of ten short poems. You only have three minutes to write each one; each one must be three lines. Begin each one with a title that you choose from something your eye falls on…

So here are a few of the poems I wrote:


Sweet Crystals

A spoonful to a cup of tea

you remind me of sunrise


You like yours black as ink

I like mine with a little cream

You don’t let me drink anymore


I prefer lead to ink

I don’t want to see my mistakes

I know I’m wrong


20 cents worth of nothing

sitting on the shelf

my last resort


I’ll learn to write

with you


Natalie’s book and my notebook.

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